
Michael Speranza is a dedicated Graphic Designer and Art Director from Lucerne with a background in visual communication. As an Art Director and Graphic Designer, he has worked in various design studios and is the founder of studio speranza, focusing on developing creative concepts and designing impactful visual content. He volunteers in the Lucerne cultural scene, promoting cultural events and activities such as for Neubad Luzern and Festival am Bach …. This has allowed him to experiment visually and graphically while supporting the cultural scene. He is a member of the Swiss Graphic Designers Association (SGV) and has received over 30 awards for his (poster) designs, including the „100 Beste Plakate“ Award, Swiss Poster Award, and Type Directors Club New York Certificate of Typographic Excellence. Since 2024, his work has been part of the permanent poster collection at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich. Currently, he is pursuing a Master‘s degree in Eco-Social Design at HSLU DFK. This has deepened his conviction that design and (visual) communication has a key role in addressing structural social problems and positive social transformation. He is engaged in the HSLU Sustainability Commission, the Lucerne Sustainability Association (VENALU), and volunteers at Sentitreff Luzern for various social projects. Michael is currently working at HSLU DFK, building the Nodo – Creative Hub. This initiative bridges the gap between education and professional practice in design, film, and art education, providing students and alumni with paid projects to hone their skills in a real-world environment.
Career path
09/2024–Now | Co-Lead, Art Direction «nodo –creative hub», HSLU DFK
03/2024–08/2024 | Co-Projektleiter, Aufbau «nodo –creative hub», HSLU DFK
02/2023–12/2023 | Art Director and Project Manager for Silent Studio in the areas of innovation, creation, conception and strategy.
11/2022–Now | Mitglied SGV Schweizer Grafiker Verband
02/2021–02/2023 | Art Director and Project Manager for Christen visuelle Kommunikation in the areas of innovation, creation, conception and strategy.
2021–Now | Founder of Studio Speranza, Art Director in the areas of innovation, design, conception and strategy.
09/2020–11/2020 | Freelancing for Neum Collective, (Art Director for Lattesso Coffee rebranding) and Clavadetscher Gestaltung
08/2020–09/2020 | Community service for Betagtenzentrum Alp
04/2020–06/2020 | Art Director and Graphic Designer for Just Live AG (Openair Frauenfeld)
2019–2021| Art Director for Festival am Bach
10/2019–12/2019 | Community service for Treibhaus Luzern
06/2018 | Community service for Betagtenzentrum Rosenberg
07/2017–08/201 | Community service for Betagtenzentrum Rosenberg
2016–2021 | Co-Founder of Studio Flex, Art Director in the areas of innovation, creation, conception and strategy.
2015–2020 | Project manager, Graphic- and Motion Designer for Clavadetscher Gestaltung
11/2014–05/2015 | Community service for SBB
04/2013–08/2013 | Internship at Wolf Studio
2010–2014 | Side job at Migros
2022–now Master of Arts in Design, Eco-Social Design an der Hochschule für Design&Kunst Luzern
2021 Project Management IPMA C
2021 Course confirmation for the module: «Change-Management, Mensch und Unternehmen im Wandel»
2021 Course confirmation for the module: «Selbstverteidigung und praktische Techniken bei verbalen und physischen Angriffen»
2021 Course confirmation for the module: personality development «Kommunikation für Networking, Debriefings, Telefonakquise»
2019 Course «Betreuung von Jugendlichen 1 und 2»
2018 Course «Betreuung von betagten Menschen 1 und 2»
2017 | further education as «Motion Designer» at Berufschule für Gestaltung in Zürich
2014 | Graduation Grafiker EFZ/BMS with bachelor equivalence
2010–2014 | Fachklasse Grafik Luzern with (Swiss) Federal Vocational Baccalaureate
2009–2010 | Vorkurs at Hochschule für Design&Kunst Luzern
2006–2009 | high school Niveau A in Beromünster
2002–2006 | 3.–6. primary school in Gunzwil
2000–2002 | 1.–3. primary school in Büron
2024 | Posterheroes Ambassador
2024 | Teil der permanenten Plakatsammlung im Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
2024 | 3 Finalistenplakate bei 100 Beste Plakate
2023 | Typography Day 2023 Poster Design Competition
2023 | 3 Posters selected in the 1st edition of the United States International Poster Biennial 2023.
2023 | BICeBé’s International Poster Award winner
2023 | Finalistenplakat bei 100 Beste Plakate
2023 | typo/graphic posters exhibition
2023 | typo/graphic posters platform author
2022 | Mitglied, SGV Schweizer Grafiker Verband
2022 | Typography Day 2022, IDC, IIT Bombay
2022 | BICeBé’s International Poster Award
2022 | CIPB 21 China International Poster Biennial
2021 | China international Poster contest | CIPB 2021
2021 | BICeBé’s International Poster Award
2021 | 100 Beste Plakate
2020 | Finalist biophilia poster competition
2020 | 4 selected posters for Golden Bee 14 Global Biennale Moscow, Russland
2020 | The Ecuador Poster Bienal 2020.
2020 | C-IDEA Design Award
2019 | Swiss Poster Award, Poster Innovation, Silber
2018 | Escucha mi voz
2018 | Graphis Poster Annual 2019, New York
2018 | Trnava Poster Triennial, Trnava (SK)
2018 | Best of Swiss Web Award: Bronze
2017 | 8th China Int. Poster Biennial
2017 | Golden Bee Vilnius, Littauen
2016 | Type Directors Club New York, Certificate of Typographic Excellence
2016 | Golden Bee Moscow, Russland
2016 | Ecuador Poster Bienal
2016 | Essence, Schweizer Grafiker Verband SGV
2015 | German Design Award
2015 | 7th China Int. Poster Biennial
2015 | Taiwan Int. Graphic Design Award
2014 | Mut Zur Wut, Top 30
2024–now | Eco-Social Design | Sentitreff Luzern
2023–now | HSLU Nachhaltigkeitskommission
2022–now | Mitglied, SGV Schweizer Grafiker Verband
2022–now | Grafik/Marketing | VENALU (Verein Nachhaltigkeit Luzern)
2018–now | Grafikpool | Neubad Luzern
2014–2021 | Grafikpool | Treibhaus Luzern
2023 Workshop «The visual approach» HSLU D&K
2022 Workshop Treibhaus Luzern
2020 Workshop Treibhaus Luzern
2019 Workshop Treibhaus Luzern